Rebuild Your Finances

Expert bankruptcy assistance to help you regain control. Don't face it alone.

Noyes & Associates is a leader in bankruptcy law with a history spanning over a decade and a remarkable record of successfully handling more than 2,000 bankruptcy cases. Due to our extensive experience, we can expedite the complicated process while meticulously organizing your legal paperwork to ensure the highest accuracy and compliance.

The passage of the 2005 Bankruptcy Reform Act resulted in a significant change in the bankruptcy landscape. This change in the law added many complications and increased the demands placed on people seeking bankruptcy relief. It can be challenging to navigate this complex legal system, but our committed team at Noyes & Associates is up to the task and expertly leads you through each step of the procedure.

We recognize that the prospect of navigating the 2005 Bankruptcy Reform Act's complexities may cause apprehension or feelings of uncertainty. You can relax knowing that our team of knowledgeable bankruptcy lawyers has the knowledge and attention to detail required to sort out the complexities and protect your interests. By having Noyes & Associates on your side, the 2005 Bankruptcy Reform Act becomes a tool rather than a barrier, allowing you to fully take advantage of the benefits and opportunities that bankruptcy can provide.

With poise and assurance, embrace the advantages of bankruptcy. When you work with Noyes & Associates, you can feel secure knowing that a tenacious, skilled bankruptcy lawyer is zealously fighting for your financial well-being.

Bankruptcy Expertise You Can Trust

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bankruptcy letter scrabble
person holding pencil near laptop computer
person holding pencil near laptop computer

When considering bankruptcy as a financial solution, it's essential to recognize the meticulous nature of the process. The court mandates complete honesty from debtors regarding their debts, income, and assets. This involves diligent data collection, precise document preparation, and active collaboration with the debtor to ensure accurate information. Failing to fully disclose income and assets can jeopardize the fresh start bankruptcy offers and lead to potential legal consequences.

With over a decade of experience, Noyes & Associates specializes in Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcy cases, catering to consumers and small businesses in the United States.

Understanding the Comprehensive Benefits of Filing for Bankruptcy

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a pile of british coins sitting on top of a table

Navigating Bankruptcy: Is It Right for You?

Bankruptcy is a legal process to relieve individuals of specific debts, but it's only sometimes the necessary or optimal solution for everyone facing financial difficulties. Factors such as existing protected assets and income play a role in determining if bankruptcy is the right choice. Consulting with a bankruptcy attorney can help you make an informed decision, especially in situations like:

• When debts surpass income.

• When wage garnishment or asset seizure is initiated by creditors.

• When utility services have been disconnected.

• When foreclosure looms over your home.

• When vehicle repossession has occurred.

• When medical debt becomes overwhelming.

• When life-altering events, like divorce or job loss, impact your financial stability.

Contact us today!


Phone Number:
203-298-7494 / 203-572-6748